
WIS Metadata todo's found during CAS/ET-WDC

todos new and gone:

  • people wanted to use the gmd:geographicelement tag with only xlink:href attribute with URL of Google Maps. I had to say so far there is no WCMP regulation against that.  I hope this is not controversial for people demanding strong-typed XLink.
  • I heared GEO AQ CoP metadata discussion held in Dublin (Sep 2012) recommended the gmd:thesaurusName tag with only xlink:href attribute.  That is different from WCMP's present use of gmd:thesaurusName/*/gmd:title string to identify the thesaurus.
  • some people wanted to use a bounding box for a country even though the data is for a single station.  They say we don't know the boundary of a station in WIGOS sense.  It's totally user unfriendly in the data discovery context.  Metadata records with unnecessarily wide bounding box matches the search for other part of the country, and the user will be extremely frustrated when they cannot narrow down to remove the noise.  I __strongly recommended__ to forget the word "bounding" and use point coords, i.e. using the same west == east and north == south.  It was totally unexpected response of users and I felt it might be necessary to add a notice in WCMP.
  • don't know good Vertical CRS identifier for "metre above sea level" without clear datum definition.  Meteorologists don't want precision for centimeter, but clear identification of "m asl" is necessary and to be __never__ confused with ellipsoid height.  Some tried to use "WGS84" but I'm not sure whether it's geoid or ellipsoid height.  If that's about EPSG:4326, that's only the 2d horizontal CRS and it's totally undefined.  IPET-MDRD may take time to conclude, but the users need the answer today!!!  I might have to propose something.
resolved todo:
  • The WMO category code "radiation" was proposed for measurements of infrared and visible electromagnetic waves.  The ET incuding WRDC St Petersburg agreed to withdraw the proposal and use existing entry "actinometry".  The term radiation has unclear meaning and may include nuclear radiation.

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