
structural difference between GML 3.2.0 and 3.2.1

The ISO version of XML schema for Geographical Metadata ISO 19139, available
at http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmx/gmx.xsd, imports so-called version 3.2.0
of GML which was draft ISO 19136. The text of ISO 19139 cites ISO 19136,
which was later published as version 3.2.1.

The two GML versions are approximately same, except for following:

* Namespace "http://www.opengis.net/gml" changed to

* annotation/appinfo/@source changed from
"urn:ogc:specification:gml:schema-xsd:coordinateReferenceSystems:3.2.0" to
(from "ogc" to "x-ogc" and from "3.2.0" to "3.2.1"),

* removed deprecated elements: gml:Null, gml:coordinateOperationRef,
gml:singleOperationRef, gml:AbstractOperation, gml:operationRef,
gml:generalConversionRef, gml:generalTransformationRef,
gml:usesSingleOperation, gml:concatenatedOperationRef, gml:usesOperation,
gml:passThroughOperationRef, gml:usesMethod, gml:usesValue,
gml:conversionRef, gml:transformationRef, gml:dmsAngleValue,
gml:valueOfParameter, gml:includesValue, gml:valuesOfGroup,

* removed deprecated types: gml:OperationPropertyType,

* changed complexType gml:OperationMethodType so that it (1) may choose its
first child element gml:formulaCitation instead of formerly mandated
gml:formula, and (2) has optional gml:parameter instead of
gml:generalOperationParameter which is now banned,

* added element gml:formulaCitation, gml:parameter,

* deprecated elements: gml:generalOperationParameter, gml:usesParameter,

* changed conplexType gml:OperationParameterGroupType so that it has
optional elements gml:parameter instead of gml:generalOperationParameter
which is now banned,

* changed complexType EngineeringCRS may choose its first child element from
affineCS, cartesianCS, cylindricalCS, linearCS, polarCS, sphericalCS, or
userDefinedCS, instead of now-deprecated coordinateSystem,

* changed complexType CoordinateSystemAxisType so that its attribute gml:uom
has now type gml:UomIdentifier instead of anyURI,

* changed type of element gml:rangeParameters from gml:RangeParametersType
to AssociationRoleType,

* changed complexType FileType so that its first child gml:fileName is
deprecated and gml:fileReferece is only recommended,

I'm afraid the list is incomplete but I found it is counter-productive to
complete it. Above are only one third of full diff(1) output

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