
Reverse-engineered RelaxNG schema for GAW XML Catalogue

GAW (Global Atmospheric Watch) has its legacy catalogue system. I called it
legacy, but I don't mean it is bad or inferior. Rather I'm interested in
the fact that there already exists an operating network. Why the WIS don't
make use of it to achieve efficient implementation of catalogue? So I've
got an XML sample data from WDCGG and analysed its structure.
grammar {
start =
element wdcgg {
element station {
element station_name { xsd:token { maxLength = "64" } },
element id {
xsd:Name { length = "9" pattern = "\s*\w\w\w\d\d\d\w\d\d\s*" }
element latitude {
xsd:float { maxInclusive = "90" minInclusive = "-90" }
element longitude {
xsd:float { maxInclusive = "180" minInclusive = "-180" }
element altitude {
xsd:float { maxInclusive = "5079" minInclusive = "0" }
element wmo_region { WMORegion },
element gaw_category { GawCategory },
element country { xsd:token },
element organization { xsd:token },
element description { xsd:string },
element parameter {
element parameter_name {
xsd:NMTOKEN { maxLength = "7" pattern = "\s*[0-9A-Za-z]+\s*" }
element status_of_report { xsd:string },
element start_of_data { DateOrEmpty },
element end_of_data { DateOrEmpty },
element last_update { DateOrEmpty },
element contributor {
element organization { xsd:token },
element country { xsd:token }
element contact_person {
element name { xsd:token },
element organization { xsd:token },
element phone { xsd:token },
element fax { xsd:token },
element email { xsd:token }
DateOrEmpty =
| xsd:date { pattern = "\s*[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}\s*" }
WMORegion =
"REGION I (Africa)"
| "REGION II (Asia)"
| "REGION III (South America)"
| "REGION IV (North and Central America)"
| "REGION V (South-West Pacific)"
| "REGION VI (Europe)"
GawCategory =
| "Regional"
| "Global"
| "Contributing"
| "Non-GAW (international)"

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